Exploring Online Advertising Methods

Exploring Online Advertising Methods

Welcome to NexGenAI! As digital expands and evolves, online advertising has become an essential means for businesses to connect with customers effectively. This blog explores various types of internet-based ads which provide insight into their operations as well as benefits and examples of successful campaigns. Whether you are an experienced marketer or new to digital advertising, this guide provides the strategies that best fit for you and your company.

Search Engine Advertising (SEA)

What Is Search Engine Advertising (SEA)?

Search Engine Advertising (SEA) refers to the practice of placing advertisements on search engine result pages (SERPs), using platforms like Google Ads or Bing Ads. These advertisements appear when users search specific keywords – making them highly targeted ads that show up exactly when someone types in that query.

  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC): Advertisers pay when users click their ads, such as an Amazon link.
  • Cost-per-Impression (CPM): Advertisers pay per thousand impressions their ad receives.


  • Targeted Reach: Ads will only appear to those searching for similar items or products.
  • Measurable Performance: Track the results of your organization with precise analysis.
Hands drawing step up increase ranking concept. Businessman draw plan to increase ranking of his company or website.

Common Platforms

  • Google Ads: Google Ads is by far the most utilized SEA platform.
  • Bing Ads: Bing Ads provide another marketing option targeting an entirely different demographic of audience.


A local bakery used Google Ads to promote their new delivery service online by targeting keywords such as “bakery delivery near me”. In just the first week, orders increased by 50%!

Social Media Advertising

What Is Social Media Advertising?

Social media marketing refers to the creation and placement of advertisements on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok.


  • Facebook Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  • Twitter Ads
  • LinkedIn Ads
  • TikTok Ads

Targeting Options

  • Demographic Targeting: Age, gender, location.
  • Interest Targeting: Hobbies, activities.
  • Behavior Targeting: Target purchasing behavior and device usage patterns.

Ad Formats

  • Image Ads
  • Video Ads
  • Carousel Ads
  • Stories


  • Engagement: High levels of engagement with users.
  • Brand Awareness: Increase your brand reach and visibility.
  • Lead Generation: Effective way of gathering customer insights.


A fashion company found that using Instagram Stories ads featuring influencers wearing their latest designs resulted in a 70 percent increase in site visits.

Display Advertising

What Is Display Advertising?

Display advertising refers to the practice of placing eye-catching advertisements across apps, websites and social media via ad networks.

Types of Display Ads

  • Banner Ads
  • Pop-up Ads
  • Rich Media Ads
  • Video Ads

Ad Networks

  • Google Display Network
  • Other Ad Networks: Yahoo, Bing, etc.


  • Visual Impact: Eye-catching ads that attract attention.
  • Wide Reach: Access to a wide online audience through multiple websites.


  • Ad Fatigue: Users may become uninterested with viewing ads that remain consistent over time, leading them to tune out altogether.
  • Banner Blindness: Some individuals may not be able to see advertisements displayed on banners clearly, causing banner blindness.


A tech firm utilized Google Display Network advertisements that featured interactive features of their latest product to showcase it and increase inquiries by 40%.

Native Advertising

What Is Native Advertising?

Native advertisements blend seamlessly into their platform of choice, making them less intrusive and more interesting for viewers.

Types of Native Ads

  • In-Feed Ads
  • Sponsored Content
  • Recommendation Widgets


  • Seamless Integration: Ads match the look and feel of the website in which they’re running on.
  • Engaged Users: Users are more likely to engage when they see native ads.


A travel company sponsored content on an influential travel blog to share information and tips about destinations they have to offer, which led to an impressive 300% increase in page visits.

Video Advertising

What Is Video Advertising?

Video ads utilize videos to market products or services across platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.


  • YouTube Ads
  • Facebook Video Ads
  • Instagram Video Ads

Ad Formats

  • In-stream Ads: Play before, during, or after video content.
  • Out-stream Ads: Appear within articles or feeds on social networks.
  • Sponsored Videos: Influencer- or brand-created videos.


  • Visual Storytelling: Visual storytelling has the ability to captivate users through compelling tales.
  • High Retention Rates: Users will remember video content much more easily.


A software firm utilized YouTube ads in-stream to showcase new features of their app and saw an astounding 50 percent jump in app downloads as a result.

Influencer Marketing

What Is Influencer Marketing?

Influencer marketing refers to the practice of partnering with those with large social media followings in order to promote products and services.

Types of Influencers

  • Mega-influencers: Celebrities with millions of followers.
  • Macro-influencers: Popular personalities with hundreds of thousands of followers.
  • Micro-influencers: Individuals with a smaller, highly engaged audience.
  • Nano-influencers: Everyday users with modest followings but high trust within their niche.


  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • TikTok


  • Trust and Authenticity: Influencers’ recommendations are often trusted by their followers.
  • High Engagement: Influencers can drive significant engagement and conversions.


A fitness company collaborated with an influencer on Instagram who posted her workout routine using their products, leading to an increase of 25% in sales.

Email Marketing

What Is Email Marketing?

Email marketing involves sending targeted messages to a list of subscribers to promote products, services, or content.

Types of Email Campaigns

  • Newsletters
  • Promotional Emails
  • Transactional Emails


  • Personalization: Tailor messages to individual preferences.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Low cost compared to other forms of advertising.
  • Direct Communication: Reach customers directly in their inbox.

Best Practices

  • Segmentation: Group your audience based on characteristics and behavior.
  • Compelling Subject Lines: Encourage opens with engaging subject lines.
  • CTA Optimization: Clear and compelling calls to action.


A major online retailer implemented email list segmentation strategies to send personalized product recommendations, leading to an impressive 35% increase in click-through rate.

Affiliate Marketing

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing involves partnering with affiliates who promote your products or services in exchange for a commission on sales generated.

How It Works

Affiliates use unique tracking links to promote your products. When a sale is made through their link, they earn a commission.


  • Performance-Based: Pay only for results.
  • Low Risk: Minimal upfront investment.
  • Wide Reach: Access to the affiliate’s audience.


An online course provider partnered with industry bloggers as affiliates, offering a 20% commission on sales, leading to a 50% increase in course enrollments.


Online advertising offers a plethora of methods to reach and engage with your target audience. From search engine and social media advertising to influencer and affiliate marketing, each method has its unique advantages and can be tailored to meet your business goals.

At NexGenAI, we understand the complexities of digital advertising and are here to help you navigate this dynamic landscape. Explore our website nexgenai.tech to learn more about our services and how we can assist you in optimizing your online advertising strategies. For any inquiries, feel free to contact us at contact@nexgenai.tech.

Happy advertising!